Friday, August 26, 2011

Joey and Storm Worries Friday 082611

Joey's Journal - August 26, 2011

Hi Everyone ~~ did you miss me? All day yesterday, Dad was with people who were interested in buying his big truck -- so all day Mom and we Poodles just "waited". Well, Dad sold the truck and this morning we went to a notary where Mom and Dad signed the truck title over to the new owner. Now, Dad can devote ALL of his time and attention to ME. < bark, bark >

Here I am in the office - "waiting"
Here I am on Mom's office desk "waiting" with Sydney.
And here's Jyah in the office "waiting" . . . (I tried to get in this picture too but Mom said "Enough is enough" - whatever that means).
I heard on the news that a BIG "her a cane" is supposed to come by here tomorrow. So, depending on how big she is and how much damage she causes, I may not be writing for awhile.

Hope everyone is safe where you are ~~
ps from Melanie---Joey, hope you and yours are kept safe through the storm, as well as wishing all of your followers a safe weekend. My heart goes out to those of you who have had to evacuate. Prayers and Hugs.

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