Hi Everyone!
Guess what I learned today?!!! Sydney taught me how to run at the deer real fast and scare them away . . . it was the MOST fun!!!
I want to get up on the big platform now but I still need a little help. The three platform stairs go around a corner and are each about 10" apart as they get taller. Mom says I'm not big enough to use them yet. However, I can easily go in and out of the little house once I'm up there.
I'm getting stronger every day and can get up on all sorts of things now -- and off too. The kitchen counter is my ultimate goal.
It's REALLY hot here today -- so Mom gave me a bowl of ice cubes to play with. WoW - was that fun! I'd grab an ice cube and go tearing through the house with it. Then, I'd toss it up in the air and pounce on it when it fell. Mom tried to get a picture but I was moving too fast.
Then I helped Mom change the sheets. Mom says she doesn't know how she ever got along without me.
Oh, meant to tell you -- I have the sole job of getting the newspaper now -- Sydney is always off looking for cats. In the second picture, I've learned how to "Go Around" -- one of the things Mom and Dad use this for is when I'm on one side of something and they are on the other, they can tell me to "Go Around" and I know to go away from them and continue to a place where I can go around and come to them on their side.
Dad is really fun to play with!! I don't really bite; however, my little razor-sharp teeth sometimes snag on Dad's skin. See all the sore places.
Oh, Grandmama Sue, Dad has a suggestion for you. He says it would be a good idea for you to put styptic pencils in with your new-owner puppy kits!
Joey, you must have had great fun scaring those deer away! I cannot believe they stood there long enough for your Mom or Dad to snap this photo. Good job Joey!